When to Replace Your Weather Stripping

When to Replace Your Weather Stripping

Weatherstripping is a great way to prevent leaks, drafts, and cold air from entering your home. It also helps keep your energy bills low and creates a more comfortable home environment.

It is important to replace your weather stripping as soon as it shows signs of wear or damage. Here are four common ways to tell that it is time.

You Notice Drafts

When dealing with a drafty door, it’s important to take steps to seal it up. The best way to do this is by using the right weather stripping for your specific application and taking advantage of a well-designed weatherproofing system.

When it comes to weather stripping, you’ll find many varying types and quality levels. The good news is that you can easily determine which one best suits your needs through a quick, painless, and affordable inspection.

When comparing weather stripping to one another, you’ll want to look for the ones that are made from high-quality materials like EPDM rubber. These are more aesthetically pleasing to the eye and will withstand the rigors of time-tested aging much better than cheapo, flimsy alternatives. Taking the time to get the right one will pay off in the form of a tamer, less brittle, more durable, and more comfortable home for you and your family.

You Notice Moisture

The weather stripping on your doors and windows keeps out dirt, moisture, and other things that would otherwise get into your home. It also reduces noise and makes closing your door quieter by creating a tight seal around your doors.

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As weather stripping ages, it deteriorates and can no longer do its job as effectively. Check your weather stripping regularly and replace it when necessary to maintain a comfortable home and reduce energy costs.

Weather stripping can be made of various materials, including felt and foam, but metals and vinyl are more durable and weather resistant. It’s important to choose weather stripping appropriate for the location where it will be installed.

You Notice the Noise

If you’re hearing a noticeable hum or whistling sound from the outside, it’s a sign that your weather stripping is failing. This resilient seal serves as a sound barrier for your cabin and reduces road noise that often comes with driving in an open lane.

The simplest way to check your weather stripping is to pull it down and feel for any missing chunks or signs of damage. Also, close the door or window to see if any light shines.

In addition to this, it’s a good idea to clean and lubricate your weather striping from time to time for added protection. This helps protect the rubber from cracking and drying out.

You Notice Odors

Odors are a good indicator of what is going on inside your car, but they are also a big no-no when it comes to maintaining the longevity of your vehicle. So if you notice a distinct change in the smell of your gas tank, or worse yet, your upholstery smells like something you’ve spilled a scotch on in the parking lot, it is time to take a closer look at your weather stripping. Having your weather stripping professionally installed by your local auto repair shop is simple and inexpensive. Paying for better airflow and reduced wear and tear on your car’s parts is a small price. This will save you from a costly fix down the road.

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If you are in the market for new weather stripping, you can find what you need at various auto repair shops or contact your local auto insurance agent for a quote.
