What Needs to Be Cleaned Before Moving In?

What Needs to Be Cleaned Before Moving In?

Whether renting or buying, you’ll want to clean your new place well before moving in. It’s too easy to get distracted by your new home, and you must remember to take care of the little things that need to be done, so it’s always wise to do it first. Making a cleaning checklist before you start is always a good idea, so you can focus on the important stuff and leave the lesser tasks to the professionals. It will save you time, money and energy later on down the line. It can also help you achieve a smooth and spotless transition into your new home. Keep track of your progress using a simple jotter or calendar. You can then tick off each item as you complete it.


When moving into a new apartment, cleaning the kitchen as soon as possible is essential. It’s where you’ll spend the most time cooking, so it should be spotless.

It can be daunting to clean a kitchen when you’re already busy with other tasks, but a move-in cleaning Marietta GA before using the space for meals and other activities is necessary.

You won’t need a lot of equipment to do this — just a spray disinfectant, a bucket of soapy water and a bunch of rags. Start by cleaning the cabinets, shelves and other storage areas.

While you’re at it, clean the countertops and sinks too. You can use a natural or eco-friendly disinfectant to scrub away grime from all surfaces and leave them sparkling.

Laundry Room

The laundry room is one of the virtual spaces in a home. It’s where clothes get sorted, laundered and folded.

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It also is the go-to spot for ironing and drying clothes. That’s why you’ll want to design a functional space with plenty of counter space and storage.

Ideally, the laundry room will have an area to hang wet garments so they can dry without snagging or staining. A rod or retractable clothesline is an excellent option, as are slide-out or tip-down racks.

It can be a brilliant idea to include a sink in your laundry area as well. A sink simplifies washing dishes and may be used to rinse wet garments.


The bathroom is typically the first room to be cleaned before move-in. It is because the previous tenants may have cleaned this area thoroughly, but it doesn’t hurt to go over it again to ensure it’s spotless and sanitized before you use it for the first time.

Start by vacuuming and dusting the ceiling fans, vents, corners and light fixtures to eliminate construction dust and other accumulated particles. Then, focus on walls, windows and baseboards.

If there are any stubborn stains on your sink, shower or toilet, apply a baking soda and vinegar mixture. The acid in the vinegar will weaken colors and allow you to scrub them off. Then, disinfect your faucets, towel hangers, light switches and door handles. You may also want to replace your toilet seat with a new one if the current one has seen better days! It will give you peace of mind when using your toilet and make you feel like your home is ready for your family.
