Basic Facts About Carrying a Concealed Weapon

Basic Facts About Carrying a Concealed Weapon

A growing number of people are showing interest in obtaining a concealed carry permit. Learn some of the basic facts about the practice to see if it is right for you. 

Regulations Vary State to State

The rules about who can carry a concealed weapon and where vary from state to state. In some states, it is an assumed right of any resident. Other states issue permits based on certain requirements.  

This can make traveling between states tricky, especially if you are new to concealed carry. Make sure you check where your permit will be honored before you hit the road. 

Some Places Are No Carry Zones

There are some places that are considered no carry zones, even if you have the proper permit for that state. These are mostly federal buildings like courthouses, prisons, and postal service property. You should also respect any posted signs about whether firearms are allowed on personal property. 

The Right Holster Aids Removal

Tossing a handgun into a purse or tucking it into the waistband of your pants may be fine in the movies, but neither is a great practice. First, having a loaded gun rolling around unchecked is a clear safety issue, as is having one pointed down your pants. Both can also make it difficult to withdraw your weapon in the case of an emergency situation. Invest in CCW dress clothes for work or a night out to help ensure you stay safe and comfortable. 

Concealed Carry Is Not Just About Guns

The laws around concealed carry refer to weapons. in some places, stun guns, pepper spray, and a host of other weapons are included in that description. Be sure to know what you can and can’t carry out of sight before you pick a method of personal defense. 

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No matter where you are going to be carrying a weapon, it is important that you understand the rules and regulations that apply to your situation. Training and the right accessories can ensure you and those around you remain safe and protected. 
